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Five new stores in one day

JYSK is busy opening new stores around the world. On Thursday 31 May, JYSK opened five stores in five different countries.

The inhabitants of Budapest in Hungary, Kiev in Ukraine, Malacky in Slovakia, Västberga in Sweden and Bistrita in Romania could all celebrate 31 May with the opening of a new JYSK store.

JYSK opens more than 120 new stores each year, but 31 May was special in the sense that JYSK Nordic opened five stores in five different countries on the same day.

“We are used to opening a lot of stores, but it is somewhat special to open that many stores in one day. The only reason that we are able to do so is that expansion and opening new stores is part of our JYSK DNA. Our employees know exactly what to do to ensure that our customers get a great experience on the opening day and beyond,” says Executive Vice President Retail, Mikael Nielsen.

2,616 stores worldwide

Including the five new store, JYSK Group has 2,616 stores around the world and a lot more are on the way.

”JYSK is doing great, and we are going to open a lot of new stores in the coming months. In that regard it is easy to say that the opening of five stores is just another day at the job. But thinking about the huge efforts it takes from my colleagues around the world, it is something we should be proud of,” says Mikael Nielsen, who recently returned from a trip to Ireland, which is the next country that JYSK will enter.


JYSK is an international chain of stores with Scandinavian roots that sells everything for the home. The first store opened in Denmark in 1979, and today JYSK has over 2,600 stores and 22,000 employees in 50 countries. In Germany and Austria the stores are called Dänisches Bettenlager – in the rest of the world JYSK. JYSK is owned by the Danish tradesman Lars Larsen, who owns a number of companies with a total annual turnover of 4.02 billion EUR. JYSK’s turnover is 3.36 billion EUR.


Åse Andersson

Åse Andersson

Press contact Communications Director +45 30 101 101
Martin Fyn Aamand

Martin Fyn Aamand

Press contact Head of Communications & PR +45 24 80 48 08
Anders Græsbøll Buch

Anders Græsbøll Buch

Press contact Communications Consultant +45 23 20 55 67
Mikkel Barkler

Mikkel Barkler

Press contact Communications Consultant +45 26 79 28 60