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JYSK store interior

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JYSK store interior

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Åse Andersson

Åse Andersson

Press contact Communications Director +45 30 101 101
Martin Fyn Aamand

Martin Fyn Aamand

Press contact Head of Communications & PR +45 24 80 48 08
Anders Græsbøll Buch

Anders Græsbøll Buch

Press contact Communications Consultant +45 23 20 55 67
Mikkel Barkler

Mikkel Barkler

Press contact Communications Consultant +45 26 79 28 60

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JYSK with record results

The growth continues in JYSK Group, which invests heavily in additional stores, an expanded distribution network and new e-commerce solutions.

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New Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for JYSK

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JYSK again delivers record results despite global challenges

For the financial year 2021/22, JYSK reached its highest EBIT result to date of DKK 4.56 billion (EUR 612 million) and increased turnover by 11% to DKK 36.2 billion (EUR 4.87 billion). However, the retail chain is now seeing the first signs of a slowdown in sales due to global challenges.

JYSK fortsatte succesfuldt forretningstrategien i finansåret 2021/22 med øget salg, butiksudvidelser og -ombygninger samt flere kundebesøg.

JYSK leverer igen rekordresultater trods globale udfordringer

I finansåret 2021/22 har JYSK opnået sit højeste EBIT-resultat nogensinde på 4,56 milliarder DKK og øget omsætningen med 11 procent til 36,2 milliarder DKK. Boligkæden begynder dog at se de første tegn på en tilbagegang i salget på grund af globale udfordringer.

Download JYSK Annual Report 2018/19 below.

JYSK delivers great results after an eventful year

175 new stores and a large increase in customers meant that JYSK's total turnover in the last financial year grew to 3.794 billion EUR, while EBIT earnings landed at 436 million EUR.