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2,000 out of 3,000 JYSK stores now have popular new store concept

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2,000 out of 3,000 JYSK stores now have popular new store concept

JYSK is currently executing one of the biggest investments in the company’s history. Now, JYSK has reached an important milestone with 2,000 stores worldwide with the newest store concept. By the end of 2024, all 3,200 stores will be upgraded.

On Wednesday 21 June, the JYSK store in Gödöllő, a small city around 30 kilometres northeast of Budapest in Hungary, reopened its doors to customers after a few closing days due to a rebuild of the store to JYSK’s newest store concept called Store Concept 3.0.

The reopening also marks the milestone of 2,000 JYSK stores worldwide with Store Concept 3.0. A modern and attractive Scandinavian store concept which, among other features, means wood-look floors, improved fixtures, better lighting, easier navigation, and more inspiring room environments.

“We are happy that we have now reached 2,000 Store Concept 3.0 stores, and our work continues to present Store Concept 3.0 in all JYSK stores around the world. Our store concept is key to attract, inspire and convince existing as well as new customers to shop at JYSK,” says Carsten Nørgreen Weinkouff, Executive Vice President Retail Development, Customer Service and Business to Business in JYSK.

From the reopening in Gödöllö, Hungary

One of the largest investments in the history of JYSK

The project of converting all JYSK stores to Store Concept 3.0 is one of the biggest investments in the history of the company and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

The project has led to more store establishment teams in all countries to be able to reach the goal, which means that, on average, more than one JYSK store must be rebuilt every day all year round.

“We have seen that the new store concept leads to more inspired and more satisfied customers, while we also see a sales increase when we reopen a store with our updated store concept compared to before,” says Carsten Nørgreen Weinkouff.


JYSK is an international home furnishing retailer with Scandinavian roots that makes it easy to furnish every room in any home and garden.

With more than 3,200 stores and webshops in 48 countries, JYSK always has a great offer and competent service nearby, no matter how customers want to shop.

Founder Lars Larsen opened his first store in Denmark in 1979. Today, JYSK employs 30,000 colleagues.

JYSK is part of family-owned Lars Larsen Group with a total turnover of DKK 44.0 billion in financial year 2021/22. JYSK’s turnover was DKK 36.2 billion in financial year 2021/22.


Åse Andersson

Åse Andersson

Press contact Communications Director +45 30 101 101
Martin Fyn Aamand

Martin Fyn Aamand

Press contact Head of Communications & PR +45 24 80 48 08
Anders Græsbøll Buch

Anders Græsbøll Buch

Press contact Communications Consultant +45 23 20 55 67
Mikkel Barkler

Mikkel Barkler

Press contact Communications Consultant +45 26 79 28 60

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